Enlargement of the European Union

European integration has been one of the fundamental goals of the European Union since its establishment. Over the decades, the European Union has grown from a community of six founding countries to a union of 27 Member States. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has moved enlargement to the centre of the EU agenda.

Flag of EU and some of its member countries flags.
Photo: AdobeStock

Finland supports merit-based enlargement process

Finland supports a continued enlargement of the European Union on the basis of jointly agreed principles. The EU’s enlargement is in Finland’s political and economic interests and a key objective of Finland’s EU policy.

Enlargement based on the applicant countries’ merits and fulfilment of membership criteria strengthens the Union’s security, global status and economic wellbeing. At the same time, enlargement should promote democracy, the rule of law and the realisation of fundamental rights. The rule of law, stable democratic institutions, effective anti-corruption institutions and a well-functioning market economy are key conditions for EU membership.

The EU is a community of values, and EU membership has long-term strategic consequences for applicant countries. They must adopt and promote the EU’s common values and actively carry out the necessary reforms. In the current geopolitical context, it is important for applicant countries to comply with the EU's common foreign and security policy.

At the same time, the EU continues to support applicant countries in accelerating convergence and internally prepares for enlargement.

Finland's support for the enlargement process

Finland actively supports the continuation of the enlargement process. The Union's Twinning and TAIEX activities are central instruments in efforts to strengthen aspiring candidate countries' capacity to meet the conditions of accession.

These instruments provide practical help to the candidate countries and neighbourhood countries in developing and aligning their administrations and legislations to comply with the EU standards.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs coordinates Twinning and TAIEX projects in Finland.

EU membership