UN Universal Periodic Review
The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs coordinates drafting of the national report and preparations for the universal periodic review of Finland. The review involves all branches of government.
What is the Universal Periodic Review?
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a peer review mechanism of States conducted in the context of the UN Human Rights Council. It helps the Council to review the implementation of human rights obligations and commitments by all UN Member States at regular intervals. The UPR has become an international mechanism of significant political importance, complementing other UN human rights mechanisms.
Review cycles take about four years to complete. The first review cycle was arranged in 2008–2011, the second in 2012–2016 and the third in 2017–2022. The fourth review cycle started in 2022 and is ongoing until 2027.
Each cycle reviews the human rights situation of every UN Member State.
How is a periodic review conducted?
The periodic review is a multi-phase process. At its core is an intergovernmental dialogue on the human rights situation in the State concerned.
The State under review initially prepares a report on its own human rights situation. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in turn creates a compilation of conclusions and recommendations already issued by other human rights organs. It also compiles a summary of views submitted by the national human rights institution and by NGOs.
The Human Rights Council’s UPR Working Group uses these documents to examine the human rights situation in the Member State. This takes the form of a dialogue between Member States, with UN Member States free to submit recommendations and comments to the Member State under review and ask questions at a meeting of the working group.
A report of the review is prepared, recording the action recommendations submitted.
A Government-appointed delegation of ministry officials represents Finland before the UPR Working Group. Independent observers from Parliament and NGOs may also be appointed to the delegation.
The review concludes with the adoption of the Working Group report at a session of the Human Rights Council.
What does a national report say?
The report describes the state of implementation of the recommendations made in the previous review cycle. It also describes successes and areas for improvement in human rights policy. The report may include political commitments, for example to submit an interim report on implementation of recommendations. The report is concise, and is prepared in accordance with UN guidelines.
The principles applied by Finland in the preparatory phase include openness, broad-based consultations, readiness for constructive dialogue and self-critical assessment, and stressing the importance of consistency and coherence between national and international human rights policies. Finland also seeks to set an example to other countries by encouraging them to adhere to the principles that we consider important in their own reviews.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs coordinates the drafting of national reports and preparations for the review of Finland. The review nevertheless involves the entire Government, and all branches of government will participate in the process.
What happens with action recommendations received?
After the dialogue, the country under review decides which action recommendations it will support, which it will support partly and which it notes. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will forward the action recommendations to the competent government departments for further measures.
Member States should implement the recommendations that they have supported, and report on the implementation either at the mid-term review, or at the next periodic review. Supporting a recommendation does not create a legal obligation, but establishes a political commitment.
Universal Periodic Review of Finland, 4th cycle
The fourth consideration of Finland was held in November 2022 and the report of the Working Group was adopted at the session of the Human Rights Council in March 2023.
Finland received altogether 229 recommendations, of which 168 was supported, 14 partly supported and 47 was noted.
National report:
- National report 8/2022 (pdf, 356 kb, 24 s.)
- Annex to national report 8/2022 (pdf, 295 kb, 5 pages)
Report of the Working Group:
- Report including recommendations for Finland 1/2023 (pdf, 306 kb, 25 pages)
Views of Finland on recommendations:
- Views of Finland on recommendations 3/2023 (pdf, 368 kb, 7 pages)
- Annex to views of Finland on recommendations 2/2023 (pdf, 632 kb, 18 pages)
Other material from the fourth cycle as well as recommendations and reports from the previous cycles can be found on the UN UPR website page for Finland(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window).
Where can I find more information?
- Information on the periodic review is available on the UN UPR website.(Link to another website.)
- Details of opportunities for civil society participation in the UPR review are available on the UN UPR website page for other stakeholders.(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
- Information on the review cycle for Finland is available on the UN UPR website page for Finland(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window). This includes the national reports of Finland and Working Group reports
- Details concerning the fourth periodic review of Finland are available through the Government Project Information Service(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) (in Finnish and Swedish).
- Further details of the periodic review are available from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Unit for Human Rights Policy (POL-40@gov.fi)
- For further details of the national report and recommendations, please contact the Ministry’s Unit for Human Rights Courts and Conventions (OIK-40@gov.fi)