Unit for Climate and Environmental Diplomacy

The Unit for Climate and Environmental Diplomacy is responsible for matters relating to:

  • promoting the goals and effectiveness of Finland’s climate smart foreign policy, coordinating the implementation of the Action Plan for Climate Smart Foreign Policy, and heading the Ministry’s Climate and Environment Network;
  • following international debate and negotiation processes on climate and environmental policy, participating in and influencing international meetings, processes and negotiations dealing with climate, environmental and water questions, and more broadly influencing climate change and development as well as security policy;
  • preparing, implementing and monitoring and reporting on Finland’s financial commitments to and impact on climate and environmental action, and promoting consideration for climate change and biodiversity loss in development policy;
  • responsibility for key climate and environmental funds and initiatives, representing the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in international funds and organisations, including Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF), Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), Adaptation Fund (AF), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nordic Development Fund (NDF), Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI), Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF), Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS);
  • responsibility/focal point for the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDDR) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations;
  • promoting awareness of Finland’s climate initiatives and of Finnish solutions in climate,  environmental action and circular economy;
  • participating in national discussions in matters falling within the competence of the Unit.


  • KEO-60@gov.fi


Anna Merrifield
Council Member (GCF and NDF)
  • +358 295 350 294
Laura Rajaniemi
Deputy Head of Unit, Environmental Diplomacy, Desk Officer for UNEP and IUCN, Council Member (GEF)
  • +358 295 350 873
Jaakko Valjus
Desk Officer
Global Biodiversity, GEF, UNCCD, FAO
  • +358 295 350 805
Milla Shor
Desk Officer
Climate finance reporting, IUFRO, MLF
  • +358 295 351 509
Sara Tuxen
Desk Officer
Climate Diplomacy
  • +358 295 350 075
Vesa Kaarakka
Senior Adviser, Development Policy
Forestry and Natural Resources
  • +358 295 350 963
Soili Kangaskorpi
Outi Myatt-Hirvonen
Senior Adviser, Development Policy
Environment and Climate
  • +358 295 350 317
Johanna Pietikäinen
Senior Specialist
Climate Finance
  • +358 295 350 792
Virpi Turunen
Desk Officer
Climate Change and Water, UNDRR
  • +358 295 350 813
Veikka Vainikka
  • +358 295 350 778

E-mail addresses are in the form: forename.surname@gov.fi. Scandinavian characters are replaced by: ä=a, ö=o, å=a.