Finland Promotion Board
The Finland Promotion Board (FPB), which is appointed by the Prime Minister, leads and coordinates Finland’s country image projects and communications. The network consists of representatives from public administration bodies and private and third sectors. The FPB is chaired by the Director General of Communications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Vice-Chairs are the Directors General of Communications of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Prime Minister's Office. Foreign Ministry's Unit for Public Diplomacy serves as its Secretariat.
Finland Promotion Board’s work is based on networking. The Management Group is responsible for giving an opinion on issues related to the country image and for determining the main guidelines and annual key themes of country image communications. The Management Group gives guidance concerning common tools for country image communications and collects and utilises research data related to Finland’s country image.
The strategic work of the Management Group is supported by a Task Force, whose meetings can be attended by all member organisations of the Finland Promotion Board. The Task Force promotes the implementation of the Management Group’s policies and takes part in the preparation of the content of country image projects and communications.