Data protection
Ensuring data protection is important to us in all of our activities. On this website, we will tell you what information we collect about you in our various services, what our processing is based on, and how you can exercise your right to data protection.
Data protection in the Foreign Service
In the Foreign Service, we observe due diligence and ensure that data protection and information security are in place whenever personal data is processed. Personal data is only stored for justified reasons. We collect the personal data necessary for performing our statutory tasks or tasks carried out in the public interest by the Ministry and Finland’s missions abroad, for providing services and for communicating with various stakeholders.
Your personal data is processed only by employees who are entitled to access and process it. Personal data may also be processed by our service providers and their subcontractors, with whom we have agreed on the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We will keep your personal data either in accordance with the Foreign Service's information management plan or the service life-cycle, or until you cancel the service you have subscribed to (newsletters and publications).
Data Protection Officer at the Foreign Service
The Data Protection Officer at the Foreign Service is Juha-Matti Laasonen.
Email is tietosuoja.UM(at)
You have the right to know how and for what purposes we process your personal data.
On our data protection website, we aim to provide a comprehensive picture of how we process personal data in our activities, but if you have any concerns, please contact our data protection officer at tietosuoja.UM(at)