Processing of personal data: Subscribing to publications and newsletters

You can order newsletters and other material on current issues such as Kehitys magazine, Kauppapolitiikka magazine and Maailman markkinat publication. When you subscribe to a newsletter or publication, we will save your contact information to be able to send it. We will only use the personal data you provide to send the newsletters or publications you subscribe to.

Only your email address and name will be stored. If you subscribe to publications to your home address or, for example, to your workplace, we will also store the name, address and possible telephone number of the organisation. Your personal data will be retained for as long as is necessary to send newsletters or publications that you have subscribed to (until you cancel your subscription or the newsletter service or publications cease to exist).

You can cancel your subscription at any time, either when receiving the newsletters or electronic publications or via our websites. The personal data of those cancelling subscriptions to newsletters and publications will be erased without delay.

Why we process your data

We process your personal data in order to carry out our tasks in the public interest (Article 6, paragraph 1, point e of the General Data Protection Regulation). 

Provisions on the tasks of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Finland's missions abroad are laid down, for example in: 

  1. The Act on the Foreign Service
  2. The Government Decree on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Transfer of personal data

Sometimes we have to outsource the distribution of publications and newsletters to external service providers in order to improve the quality of the service. A service provider may also operate outside the EU territory, if the requirements of the Data Protection Regulation are met. 

We will conclude an agreement with the service providers in accordance with Article 28 of the Data Protection Regulation, or otherwise we will comply with Chapter V of the General Data Protection Regulation. For more information about service providers for newsletters and publications, please contact our Data Protection Officer at tietosuoja(at) 
However, we disclose personal data, upon request, in accordance with the Act on the Openness of Government Activities. Data and documents are public, unless special provisions on their secrecy have been laid down by law. 
We will not disclose your data for direct marketing or market and opinion polls.

Your rights

Remember that under the GDPR you also have rights relating to the processing of your personal data. More information about your right to data protection is available here.

For more information

If you have any questions concerning the processing of your personal data in the Foreign Service, contact the Ministry’s Data Protection Officer by email at tietosuoja.UM (at)