Development funding

Is your company starting a business in developing countries or are you already operating in developing countries? Developing countries offer vast opportunities for Finnish companies. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs allocates development cooperation appropriations to support Finnish companies’ partnerships and business opportunities in developing countries. The activities must always be aimed at promoting the economic, social or environmental development in the target countries. Companies are always expected to adhere to the principles of responsible business conduct.

The Team Finland network offers funding services and advice for various stages of business activities, and we can answer questions such as:

  • Where can I get funding for the early stages or scaling up of activities?
  • Where can I find help for developing a business model, services or products?
  • Where can I apply for export credit guarantees?

Read more about the different services below or in this brochure. 


Finnpartnership offers advice, project funding and contacts for companies pursuing business activities in developing countries. The most important service offered is Business Partnership Support, which is a kind of a start-up grant awarded for companies pursuing business activities in developing countries. Typically, the grant amounts to less than EUR 100,000, covering up to 85% of the costs of a project in the early stages. Finnpartnership services are free of charge, and they are intended for companies, civil society organisations and educational institutions.

Developing Markets Platform

The Developing Markets Platform (DevPlat) offers funding, information and contacts to companies aiming for developing markets. DevPlat funding is available to companies that are developing innovative and scalable solutions for identified market opportunities in their target country and are willing to deepen their cooperation with local partners. The DevPlat helps companies to get funding from the World Bank Group and from regional development banks. This funding totals more than EUR 100 billion a year and it is available to procurement and projects in developing countries. In addition, companies can get advice and contacts with UN cooperation projects from the DevPlat.


Finnfund invests in responsible companies operating in developing countries. Its investment loans and capital investments typically range from EUR 2 million to EUR 10 million. Loans and investments are awarded to companies that are already showing strong proof of responsible and profitable business activities that promote sustainable development. Finnfund invests especially in the fields of renewable energy generation, infrastructure, finance, sustainable forestry, agriculture and digital solutions.

Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF)

The Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF) can be used to fund a transaction when the customer of a Finnish company is a public sector operator, such as a public enterprise, an agency or a ministry. In practice, the PIF means that the interest on a commercial loan taken by the customer and a part of the customer’s other expenses are funded out of Finland’s development cooperation appropriations. The PIF improves the chances of completing transactions typically totalling from EUR 10 million to EUR 30 million.

Finland-Ukraine Investment Facility (FUIF)

The Finland‒Ukraine Investment Facility supports public sector investments in Ukraine based on the priorities for Ukraine’s reconstruction and Finland’s national plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Investment projects must make use of Finnish products, services, expertise and technology.

The FUIF instrument is based on the same legislation as PIF. The instrument can be used to fund a transaction when the customer of a Finnish company is a public sector operator, such as a public enterprise, an agency, a city or a ministry. In practice, the FUIF means that Finland from its’ Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget covers the interest of the commercial loan taken by the customer to pay for the investment as well as part of the investment cost itself. The target size for each projects is EUR 10-20 million. At least one third of the content of the project must be produced in Finland.


Finnvera offers companies loans, loan guarantees and export guarantees, thus complementing the commercial financial market. Finnvera supports Finnish companies’ abilities to compete on the export market by offering funding arrangements to cover the risks associated with export financing. This is particularly important when exporting to emerging markets. Finnvera’s guarantees help manage the political or commercial risks associated with export financing.