Obtaining documents or addresses from abroad

A document corresponding to an extract from the Population Register may be necessary, for example, for an estate inventory in Finland. As a rule, you can handle the matter directly with the local authorities. Check the procedure observed in the country in question from finlandabroad.fi. Based on the amendments to the Consular Services Act (in force as of 1 May 2019), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and its missions abroad handle only requests submitted for a special reason.

Check the procedure in the country in question

Visit the Finland abroad(Link to another website.) online service to check if the documents you need are available and what needs to be done to get the documents in question from the local authorities. If you do not obtain the required information, a printable document that explains the matter can be accessed on the page. (Travelling and services > Family and citizenship >Inquiries concerning extracts from the population register and address inquiries)

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs can help in obtaining documents only in cases where there is a special reason for it (Consular Services Act, section 30(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)). For example, the authorities may submit certain information only to a diplomatic mission.

Obtaining the document or address must be justified from the point of view of the implementation of the interests, rights or obligations of the individual or entity submitting the request. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs continues to provide this service to other authorities in the form of executive assistance.

Obtaining an address

Instructions for address inquiries are available on the Finland abroad online service.

You can also ask information from missions of foreign countries based in Finland.

Submitting a request

You can send the request to the Registry of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs: kirjaamo.um@formin.fi or Ulkoministeriö, P.O.Box 176, 00023 Government.

Service fee

The Foreign Ministry charges EUR 80 per a request for information. The fee is charged even if the information cannot be obtained or in case you cancel the request. Should the local authorities charge a payment for the document from the mission, the cost becomes payable by the client.

Read more: Finland abroad(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) online service and virkatodistus.um@formin.fi