Department for Development Policy
The Department for Development Policy handles the following issues:
- Finland's international development policy, development cooperation policy, and development and humanitarian financing;
- overall planning and monitoring of development cooperation, action plans and financial planning, budget formulation, financial administration as well as statistics and reporting;
- quality control, development and guidance related to development cooperation, including development research;
- development policy and development cooperation in the EU and the OECD;
- non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) development cooperation, support for international NGOs (INGOs) in respect of issues that do not fall under the administration of any other organisational unit;
- FINNFUND, concessional credits and business-to-business partnerships;
- development questions in the UN, and the UN's operative development programmes and funds;
- development policy dimensions of Trade and Development and Aid for Trade (AfT);
- development Financing Institutions (DFIs), developing countries' debt issues, and innovative financing mechanisms;
- sustainable development and international environmental policy, including related financing;
- humanitarian aid policy and humanitarian assistance;
- planning and guidance of Junior Professional Officer (JPO) activities;
- international agreements that fall under the administration of the Department, planning of legislation and other legal issues.
Telephone exchange
- +358 295 350 000
Visiting address
Laivastokatu 22
G-talo, 3. krs
E-mail addresses are in the form: Scandinavian characters are replaced by: ä=a, ö=o, å=a.