Water is critical for both sustainable development and security, and Finnish water expertise is at a high level. Water plays an essential role in the implementation of development policy and trade policy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and as part of Finnish foreign and security policy in general.
Finland’s International Water Strategy
Finland’s International Water Strategy (the Finnish Water Way) aims to ensure responsible and fair water security globally. The strategy, which extends to 2030, emphasises sustainable management of water resources and the establishment of water-related human rights.
The ministries draw up annual action plans for implementing the strategy.
Special Envoy for Water Antti Rautavaara leads the implementation of Finland’s International Water Strategy (the Finnish Water Way). The role of the Special Envoy enhances the coherence of Finland’s international water policy.
The Special Envoy for Water brings together the Finnish water community and foreign partners to promote a water-secure world by 2030. The Special Envoy coordinates the activities of the five ministries implementing the Finnish Water Way strategy and represents the ministries in international contexts.
The position of a Special Envoy is located at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Centre for Peace Mediation.