Development policy and development cooperation
Development policy is an important part of Finland’s foreign and security policy. Development cooperation is one means to implement the policy. Development cooperation can give people a chance for a better life.
Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation(Link to another website.)
The report on international economic relations and development cooperation complements the report on foreign and security policy with more detailed trade and development policy measures. The aim is to better support Finland’s commercial and economic interests in developing markets and to increase the economic independence of countries by strengthening the responsibility of developing countries for their own development.
Tell us about any alleged misuse in development cooperation(Link to another website.)
We take all suspicions of misuse of Finnish development cooperation funds seriously. You can report any suspicions about the misuse through our service. Misuse may be due to carelessness or lack of professional skills, be deliberate or even consist of actions or negligence that fulfill the elements of a criminal offence.