Evaluation: “Wanawake-Wanaweza” Project on Womens' Leadership and Political Participation
The Women’s Leadership and Political Participation (WLPP), Wanawake-Wanaweza project was a 2-year project (2014-2016) designed and led by UN Women to improve participation and representation of women, youth and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) as leaders in the political process in Tanzania. The end of project evaluation consisted of 3 components: i. conducting a utilization and equity focused end-project evaluation answering the DAC components of Design, Relevance & Coherence, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability; ii. capturing best practices of the project as key learnings; and iii. incorporating the key learnings to develop a new project document.
Final evaluation of “Wanawake-Wanaweza” Project on Womens' Leadership and Political Participation (PDF, 2 MB, 99 pages)