Meta-analysis of Country Programmes 2021-2024
How have the Country Programmes guided Finland's development cooperation with partner countries and delivered on intended results? How have they been adapted to evolving country contexts and changing conditions? And what is the value added of Country Programmes when compared to individual interventions?
The objectives of the meta-analysis were to inform development cooperation planning beyond the current programming cycle in the 10 countries and to assess how CPs had contributed to results. The analysis did not concentrate on individual interventions, but on aggregate and consolidated results against broader areas of achievement.
Compared to a classical evaluation, the meta-analysis relied more on the views and experiences of the country teams who – beyond sharing information – participated in interpreting and assessing the evidence at hand. With an aim to establish a holistic understanding of the developments and achievements under each Country Programme, the focus of the meta-analysis was forward-looking.
The synthesis report summarises the results of a meta-analysis of Country Programmes (CPs) for the 2021-2024 programme cycle, in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Palestine, Somalia, Tanzania, and Ukraine.
Vol. 1 - Synthesis report: Meta-analysis of Country Programmes 2021-2024 (PDF, 74 pages, 6 MB)
Vol. 2 - Country Reports (PDF, 240 pages, 7.8 MB)
Presentation of the results by the Meta-analysis Team (PDF, 27 slides, 3 MB)
Commentary by Ilmari Nalbantoglu, Fingo (PDF, 4 slides, 533 kB)
Commentary by Juho Uusihakala, Finnfund (PDF, 6 slides, 630 kB)
Commentary by Tom Hennessy, DFA Ireland (PDF, 7 slides, 1.4 MB)