Evaluation report: Mid-term Evaluation of Finland’s support to Justice Rapid Response 2021-2024
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland commissioned an external mid-term evaluation of Finland’s support to Justice Rapid Response (JRR). JRR is an independent actor providing rapid professional expertise in the investigation, analysis and documentation of the most serious international crimes and serious human rights violations to States, international organizations and courts as well as civil society actors.
Finland has supported JRR since its establishment in 2009. The mid-term evaluation of the current funding period of 2021-2024 was conducted between autumn 2023 and March 2024. According to the final evaluation report, JRR’s activities are relevant to Finland’s foreign and development policy goals, as well as to the needs of the recipients of expert support through JRR. The report notes the effectiveness of JRR’s activities, especially in the short term, and the high satisfaction rate among recipients of JRR’s expert support.
The mid-term evaluation report contains recommendations to the JRR to further improve its operations, and to Finland and other donors to continue and enhance their support and increase harmonization of application and reporting requirements.
Report: Mid-term Evaluation of Finland’s support to Justice Rapid Response 2021-2024 (PDF; 50 pages; 1,9 Mb)