Foreign Ministry sent a letter on CIA flights to the US Embassy

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland has on 24 May sent a letter to the US Embassy in Helsinki referring to new allegations brought to its attention on CIA's rendition flights via Finland.

The letter refers to the previous contacts between the Ministry and the US Embassy during recent months concerning the alleged flights. The letter mentions the on-going investigations by the Council of Europe and the European Parliament on the alleged rendition flights in Europe. The letter also refers to the statement by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in which he voices his concern over the legislative and administrative deficiencies in the member states in the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights on their territories.

Finland is committed in its national legislation to respect its international obligations and wants to ensure that no violations of international norms occur on its territory, including its airspace. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs asks the US Embassy to provide adequate assurances that any government aircraft applying for a diplomatic clearance for overflight and/or landing is not being used for unlawful activities while on the Finnish territory. It is emphasised that the use of civilian aircraft operated by or on behalf of state agencies must be compatible with internationally established human rights standards.

Further information: Susanna Parkkonen, Press Attaché to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, tel. 040 545 1275

human rights