Unit for Information and Cyber Security

Unit for Information and Cybersecurity is responsible for managing the information security and cybersecurity of the entire administrative sector. 

Main tasks are

  • Matters related to the information security of foreign affairs administration and combating cyber threats, insofar as they do not fall under the responsibility of another entity.
  • Development of preparedness and contingency measures related to information security as part of overall security, and participation in the development of contingency planning for information and communication management.
  • Establishing, guiding, and verifying general security principles and minimum requirements for information security in the information systems and network-connected devices used by the foreign affairs administration.
  • Organizing information security monitoring for the foreign affairs administration's IT environments and providing first response to information security incidents.
  • Preventing and guiding the counteraction of illegal intelligence activities in the information and cyber domains, as well as related interagency cooperation.
  • Raising awareness, training, and orientation in information security for the foreign affairs administration, along with communication as part of overall security.
  • Managing, monitoring, and verifying compliance with information security requirements within the foreign affairs administration.
  • Leading, monitoring, and guiding Comsec (communications security) activities within the foreign affairs administration.
  • Monitoring, guiding, and implementing audits and inspections related to information and cyber security in accordance with assigned responsibilities.
  • Supporting and guiding the units and missions of the foreign affairs administration on information and cyber security matters.
  • Engaging in national and international cooperation and development related to information and cyber security.


  • tietoturva.um@gov.fi

Post address

Tietoturva- ja kyberturvallisuuden yksikkö
PL 176

Visiting address

Laivastokatu 22


Matti Parviainen
  • +358 295 351 425

E-mail addresses are in the form: forename.surname@gov.fi. Scandinavian characters are replaced by: ä=a, ö=o, å=a.