Unit for Eastern Europe
The Unit for Eastern Europe deals with issues concerning the following countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The Unit for Eastern Europe is responsible for the following issues:
- monitoring of developments in these countries
- bilateral relations between Finland and these countries, including economic relations
- external relations of the European Union in respect of these countries
- questions related to these countries that are dealt with in international organisations
- national coordination of Finland’s support to Ukraine
- national coordination of the European Neigbourhood Policy and its financial instruments in respect of the partner countries
- administration and supervision of bilateral development cooperation in the region
- Armenia(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window),
- Azerbaijan(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window),
- Belarus(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window),
- Georgia(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window),
- Moldova(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window),
- Ukraine(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
- EUA-50@gov.fi
Sirpa Oksanen
- +358 295 350 472
Ukraine, political affairs
Jussi Soini
Team Leader
Deputy Director, Ukraine
- +358 295 350 580
Eero Vento
Desk Officer
- +358 295 350 448
Maria Ruuskanen
Assistant Desk Officer
Reconstruction and support of Ukraine
- +358 295 350 183
Oskari Laukkanen
Senior Specialist
Team Finland Ukraine
- +358 50 594 6010
Ukraine, development cooperation
Matti Väänänen
Senior Adviser, Development Policy
Trade and Development
Team Leader
- +358 295 350 702
Satu Elo
Development Cooperation
- +358 295 350 556
Johanna Jokinen-Gavidia
Senior Adviser, Development Policy
Regional Cooperation
- +358 295 350 554
Tanja Rajamäki
Desk Officer
Development Cooperation
- +358 295 350 376
Sirpa Rajasärkkä
Desk Officer
Development cooperation projects, Ukraine
- +358 295 351 574
Eastern Partnership
Laura Hassinen
Team Leader
Eastern partnership
- +358 295 351 105
Jaana Teckenberg
Ambassador, European Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnerhsip
- +358 295 350 170
E-mail addresses are in the form: forename.surname@gov.fi. Scandinavian characters are replaced by: ä=a, ö=o, å=a.