Internal border control reinstated for traffic between Finland and all Schengen countries on 28 December — travellers are advised to check the guidelines
The Government decided to reintroduce internal border control at Finland’s borders starting on Tuesday 28 December. The Government decided on the new restrictions at its session on 28 December. The decision will remain in force until 16 January 2022.
Updated guidelines(Link to another website.) based on decisions on entry into Finland are available on the website of the Border Guard.
Travellers should note that even though Finland does not require a negative test result from a Finnish citizen upon arrival in Finland, many countries, airlines and shipping companies may have their own testing requirements as a condition for entry into a country. Travellers must be active and contact the authorities of the country of destination, shipping company or airline concerned to find out which certificates are required. All travellers are required to present certificates laid down in the Communicable Diseases Act and to comply with the decisions made by the Regional State Administrative Agencies on compulsory health examinations.