Metaevaluation of Project and Programme Evaluations in 2017-2020
Evaluations are conducted in order to learn from successes and setbacks, and the lessons learned are used for further enhancing the quality of development policy and cooperation. Metaevaluations assess the quality of decentralized evaluations and aggregate findings from them to form an overall picture of the quality of development cooperation.
The Terms of Reference (ToRs) lay the foundation for the implementation of evaluations. There was a strong link between the quality of the ToR and the evaluation report: good ToRs produce good evaluation reports.
About half of the reports were of satisfactory quality, the rest with a need for improvement and a few were inadequate.
Gender equality is better mainstreamed than other CCOs in Finnish development cooperation.
A large majority of the evaluations are deemed to be useful. However, insights from decentralised evaluations are not systematically exploited for organisational learning but they remain on the individual level.
Evaluation report
Metaevaluation of project and programme evaluations in 2017-2020 (PDF, 276 pages, 8.9 MB)
From Obligation to Appreciation – Selected Highlights from the Evaluation (PDF, 4 sivua, 3.08 MB)
Ministry's response to the evaluation
Management response (PDF, in Finnish, 2 pages, 102 KB)
Webinar recording and presentation of evaluation results
PowerPoint presentation of evaluation results - Webinar 31 March 2022 (PDF, 38 pages, 4 MB)
Please contact if you would like to have the webinar recording.