Mid-term Review of the technical assistance related to General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity (GEQIP-E)
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Federal Ministry of Education of Ethiopia commissioned a Mid-term Review of the technical assistance related to General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity (GEQIP-E).
The purpose of the bilateral Programme has been to strengthen inclusive education through resource centers and strengthened knowledge base and capacities. Mid-term review concluded that the Technical Assistance has contributed to the implementation of regional level policies. By observing the conclusions and recommendations made by the review, the Programme has been able to further enhance the implementation for better achievement of the set objectives. The mid-term review also recommended using the lessons learned for further development of teacher training to ensure the quality and sustainability of inclusive education.
Report on the Mid-Term Review (2020): Technical Assistance to General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity (GEQIP-E) (In English, PDF, 52 pages, 935 kb)