Evaluation of ICI Projects in Afganistan, Bhutan, India, and Nepal
The evaluation presents the results for five Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI) projects implemented in four South Asian countries (Afghanistan, Bhutan, India and Nepal) since 2011.
The MFA commissioned this evaluation to obtain evidence-based information to demonstrate the results of these projects and to learn and inform decisions about ongoing and similar future projects. The evaluation found out that all five projects had reached their objectives. In addition, the projects also significantly increased the staff competence and strengthened systems in partner country agencies. Furthermore, as for three of the agencies, there is evidence that the agencies delivered better services, especially in performance in terms of weather forecasts, with plausible population-wide impacts..
Evaluation report
Evaluation of ICI Projects in Afganistan, Bhutan, India, and Nepal (pdf, 3,8 MB, 185 pages)