Evaluation on Forced Displacement and Finnish Development Policy
The Development Evaluation Unit of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) commissioned an evaluation on forced displacement and development policy. The purpose of the evaluation was to increase awareness and knowledge of the concept of forced displacement and the links between humanitarian assistance and development objectives, and help to integrate these concepts into the practices in the MFA. The evaluation looked at how coherently Finland’s development policy and its targets relating to forced displacement have been implemented and how the coherence could be enhanced in development policy and cooperation.
(Opens New Window)According to the evaluation, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs seeks to align its definitions and positions on forced displacement and humanitarian-development nexus with current international trends and norms and adopts concepts from international actors. However, an integrated approach for humanitarian assistance and development cooperation requires policy guidance and changes in the programming of cooperation. Finland would have a lot of potential and means to promote the closer linking of humanitarian assistance, development cooperation and peace building.
Evaluation report
Evaluation on Forced Displacement and Finnish Development Policy (Opens New Window) (in English, PDF, 244 pages, 3 MB)
Ministry's response to evaluation
Management response (in Finnish, PDF, 2 pages, 1.75 MB)
Recording and other materials
Please contact eva-11@formin.fi if you would like to have the webinar recording.
Power point -presentation (Opens New Window) (in English, PDF, 263 kb)