Foreign Ministry to suspend country programme for development cooperation with Somalia

The Finnish Government Programme outlines that the readmission of nationals and support for the international rules-based order are conditions for Finland’s development cooperation. Readmissions cooperation with Somalia, which is one of Finland’s partner countries in bilateral development cooperation, has not progressed as planned. For this reason, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will suspend the implementation of Finland’s country programme for bilateral development cooperation with Somalia.

“The suspension means that no new funding decisions concerning the country programme will be made until we see concrete progress in readmissions cooperation with Somalia,” says Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio.

The country programme will be gradually suspended so that the projects ongoing under the programme can be completed in accordance with the agreements. The suspension will not apply to humanitarian assistance, civil society organisations or private sector support.

The Government Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation outlines that the implementation of a country programme can be continued if progress is made in creating effective and sustainable return solutions. Since 2025, EUR 8–9 million has been annually reserved for bilateral development cooperation between Finland and Somalia.

Finland and Somalia have good and diverse bilateral relations. Somalia is Finland’s long-term partner country for development cooperation. The countries cooperate in several other foreign and security policy sectors, including in crisis management and mediation. 

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will continue to work closely with the Ministry of the Interior to promote cooperation on readmission. In addition, the EU and Somalia are holding bilateral and regional discussions on managing migration. The Government of Somalia has been willing to discuss readmissions cooperation with Finland, and this dialogue will continue.


  • Tuomas Tähti, Special Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, tel. +358 295 350 199

  • Elina Saaristo-Diatta, Team Leader, Horn of Africa, Unit for Eastern and Southern Africa, tel. +358 295 350 323

  • Helena Airaksinen, Deputy Director General, Department for Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, tel. +358 295 350 115

  • The email addresses of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are in the format