Embassy of Finland, Bucharest
Customer service
Customer Service Hours
By appointment only.
Office hours
Mon-Thur: 8.00-16.00, Fri: 8.00-14.45
Exceptional opening hours
In 2024 embassy will be closed on the following days:
1-2.1. New Year
29.3. - 1.4. Easter
1.5. Labor Day
3-6.5. Orthodox Easter
21.6. Midsummer
24.6. Pentecost
24-26.12. Christmas
In 2025 embassy will be closed on the following days:
1-2.1. New Year
6-7.1. Epiphany
18-21.4. Easter
1.5. Labor Day
20.6. Midsummer
24.6. Pentecost
24-26.12. Christmas
24/7 service
When a mission is closed, you can in an emergency situation contact the Foreign Ministry's 24/7 service: tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or email paivystys.um@gov.fi. For consular emergencies only. No visa inquiries, visa matters are not urgent 24/7 service issues. Phone calls will be recorded.
- sanomat.buk@gov.fi
Telephone exchange
- +40 212 307 504
- +40 212 307 545
Visiting address, post address
Embassy of Finland
Str. Atena 2 bis
Sector 1
On the map
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