Evaluation report: Finnish Development Policy Influencing Activities in Multilateral Organisations
This independent evaluation assessed how Finland influences its multilateral partners and their operations in order to advance the international development agenda. The evaluation looked at the various influencing activities by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and their effectiveness and relevance. Furthermore, the evaluation proposes ways for the Ministry to further develop these activities. The evaluation covered 23 multilateral partners of the Ministry, eight of which were assessed in more depth: The World Bank Group, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP, UN Women, IFAD, FAO and ITC. The evaluation, started in June 2019, is based on a framework designed to decipher the multilateral influencing activities by the Ministry as well as the related results. The findings draw on an extensive document review and 174 interviews. The evaluation team also visited the headquarters of the multilateral organisations in New York, Rome and Washington DC as well as country missions to Nepal and Kenya.
The report confirms that Finland’s influencing activities in multilateral cooperation have been effective and they have contributed to significant changes among others in the policies and practices of multilateral organisations. The key elements to successful influencing include the highly experienced and skillful staff, Finland’s reputation and expertise in specific thematic areas, long-term engagement through multiple channels as well as collaboration with other actors. The limited numbers of staff as well as the time available for influencing activities pose challenges. Interaction with Finns working in multilateral organisations, or returning from their service, could be strengthened. The management approach to influencing multilateral organisations by the Ministry has advanced organizational learning and the formulation of good practices as well as reporting to the Finnish Parliament. The evaluation encourages to continue the influencing activities and to develop them towards an even more strategic direction.
The evaluation report “Evaluation of Finnish Development Policy Influencing Activities in Multilateral Organisations” consists of two volumes:
- Volume 1, 2020/3a ”Main Report” presents the main findings, conclusions and recommendations.
- Volume 2, 2020/3b, ”Annexes” presents various additional materials such as agency-specific outcome stories.
Evaluation reports
Finnish Development Policy Influencing Activities in Multilateral Organisations, Volume 1, Main report (PDF, 166 pages, 6,88 MB)
Finnish Development Policy Influencing Activitieis in Multilateral Organisations, Volume 2, Annexes (Opens New Window) (PDF, 192 pages, 3,06 MB)
Punching Above its Weight: Finnish Development Policy Influencing Activities in Multilateral Organisations
– Selected Highlights from the Evaluation (PDF, 4 pages, 178.3 KB)
Ministry's response to the evaluation
Management response (PDF, in Finnish, 3 pages, 1.04 MB)
Webinar recording and presentation of evaluation results
PowerPoint presentation of evaluation results - Webinar 15.6.2020 (Opens New Window) (PDF, 15 pages, 1.63 MB)
Please contact eva-11@formin.fi if you would like to have the webinar recording.