Embassy of Finland, Madrid
Customer service
Customer service only by previous appointments.
Telephone enquiries: +34 913100326, Tue - Thur 10-12
E-mail enquiries: consular.mad@gov.fi
Office hours
Exceptional opening hours
24/7 service
When a mission is closed, you can in an emergency situation contact the Foreign Ministry's 24/7 service: tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or email paivystys.um@gov.fi. For consular emergencies only. No visa inquiries, visa matters are not urgent 24/7 service issues. Phone calls will be recorded.
- consular.mad@gov.fi (konsulipalveluasiat)
- Sanomat.MAD@gov.fi
Telephone exchange
- +34 913 196 172
- +34 91 310 0326 (Konsuliasiat)
- +34 913 083 901
Visiting address, post address
Embassy of Finland
Paseo de la Castellana, 15
28046 MADRID
On the map
- finlandabroad.fi/web/esp/etusivu (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
- Facebook (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
- X (Twitter) (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
- Instagram (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
- Linkedin (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
Pasi Kokkonen
Deputy Head of Mission
Otso Salvi
Desk Officer
external economic relations
Miia Pesu-Correa
Administrative Officer
financial administration and information management
Mikko Nurkka
Office Administrator
IT administrators' support
Annika Tuohisaari
public diplomacy
Marina Vivathanakul Alonso
Pasi Suhonen
Catering and Housekeeping Supervisor
Miguel Lozano Hidalgo
Office Services Attendant
chauffeur, office tasks
Oscár García Díaz
Office Services Attendant
Mari Orpana
Tibisay Borges Angulo
Domestic Worker
Consular affairs
Minna Kristiina Niemi
Katja Hytönen
Consular Services Coordinator
consular services, migration matters, passports
Katariina Kallinen
Consular Services Coordinator
consular services, passports, migration matters, residence permit matters
Sofia Viertola
Consular Services Coordinator