The Presence and Influence of Finnish Education Sector Expertise in International Organisations
The study analyses how Finnish education experts have been positioned within international organisations and have influence on development cooperation in the education sector. In addition, the study identifies the career paths of the experts and explores their views on Finland’s role in global development cooperation in the sector. The analysis concludes that the participating education experts identify Finland as a small player compared to other reference countries involved in development cooperation in the education sector. Consequently, resources, funds and room for influence of these experts are limited. Furthermore, contacts between the Finnish government and education experts placed abroad are described as very limited. Based on the study, experts would benefit from a more active role of Finnish government agencies and ministries. The main recommendations of the study are: active strategic positioning of Finland in the global educational architecture, development of national strategy for development cooperation in the education sector, increased support for international careers and international education expertise as well as increased communication and facilitation of education experts’ networks by the government agencies.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Santos, Íris; Pekkola, Elias; Abebe, Rediet; Kujala, Emmi-Niina; Kivistö, Jussi; Ilola, Hanna;
Publications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 2022:8
Pysyvä osoite valtion julkaisuarkisto Valtossa
This report is commissioned as part of UniPID Development Policy Studies (UniPID DPS), funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) and managed by the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID). UniPID is a network of Finnish universities established to strengthen universities’ global responsibility and collaboration with partners from the Global South, in support of sustainable development. The UniPID DPS instrument strengthens knowledge-based development policy by identifying the most suitable available researchers to respond to the timely knowledge needs of the MFA and by facilitating a framework for dialogue between researchers and ministry officials. The content of this report does not reflect the official opinion of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The responsibility for the information and views expressed in the report lies entirely with the authors.
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