Participation of Finnish Public Sector Institutions in the Implementation of Development Policy and Cooperation : Opportunities and challenges
This study provides an analytical overview of the role and involvement of Finnish public sector institutions in development policy and cooperation, as well as a strategic assessment of the opportunities and challenges that enable or restrict stronger participation in development cooperation and policymaking of Finnish institutions. This study was conducted between September 2022 and March 2023 by Frisky & Anjoy Oy together with affiliated researchers and development policy experts. This report is structured according to the three consecutive parts in which the study was conducted. The study presents a mapping exercise of key actors, regions and sectors, followed by an analysis of the current state of PSE in Finland based on key-informant interviews. Lastly, the study involved a strategic future-oriented analysis to which added data was generated through a stakeholder workshop and a survey. Together with the study’s steering committee, the scope of the study was limited to ICI, Twinning- or TAIEX-related PSE-activity between 2017–2021. While the study is not a performance or impact evaluation of such initiatives, it aims to provide an overview of the key components that relate to the use of public sector expertise and the involvement of public agencies in Finnish development policy. As such, this study outlines five key points to take into consideration when developing future PSE activities in Finland.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Frisky & Anjoy Oy
Uusikylä, Petri; Oreschnikoff, Aleksis; Väätäinen-Chimpuku, Senja; Pellini, Arnaldo;
Publications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 2023:6
Pysyvä osoite valtion julkaisuarkisto Valtossa
This study was commissioned as part of UniPID Development Policy Studies (UniPID DPS), funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) and managed by the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID). UniPID is a network of Finnish universities established to strengthen the global responsibility and collaboration of universities with partners from the Global South, in support of sustainable development. The UniPID DPS instrument strengthens knowledge-based development policy by identifying the most suitable available researchers to respond to the timely knowledge needs of the MFA and by facilitating a framework for dialogue between researchers and ministry officials. The content of this study does not reflect the official opinion of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The responsibility for the information and views expressed in the study lies entirely with the authors.
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