Director General of Communications

The tasks of the Director General of Communications are laid down in section 49 of the Rules of Procedure of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.




Mikko Koivumaa
Director General of Communications
  • +358 295 350 427
Harri Kilpi
Communications Coordinator
adviser to the Director General, coordination of staff training
  • +358 295 351 342
Mikko Kinnunen
Ambassador, Strategic communications
  • +358 50 408 3860
Sanna Silventoinen
Communications Coordinator
  • +358 295 350 094

Deputy Director General, Department for Communications

The tasks of the Deputy Director General are laid down in section 50 of the Rules of Procedure of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In addition, the Deputy Director General has the main responsibility for

  1. the Department’s administrative affairs and training matters
  2. preparation of the Management Group meetings
  3. issuing opinions on behalf of the Department
  4. coordination of activities with the Ministry’s other departments
  5. In addition, the Deputy Director General takes care of other tasks assigned by the Director General.

A Communications Development Team, which is led by the Head of Web Communications, functions under the Director General of Communications and serves the whole Department. The team is responsible for:

  1. technical development and maintenance of web communications tools for the Foreign Service web communications and their integration with other information systems
  2. support for the strategic and operational planning of communications
  3. provision of expertise and coordination of systems that support communications
  4. communicative management of the visual image of the Foreign Service.

The public officials responsible for the Department’s administrative tasks work under the Deputy Director General and form an Administrative Services Team with its own team leader. The team is responsible for:

  1. the Department's human resources administration and travel management services
  2. financial management services for the department, including management of procurement
  3. assistant services for the management
  4. organisation of events at departmental level
  5. management of the International Press Center (IPC)




Kirsi Vanamo-Santacruz
Deputy Director General
  • +358 295 351 043

Administrative services

Osaston hallinnollisista tehtävistä vastaavat virkamiehet toimivat apulaisosastopäällikön alaisina ja muodostavat oman hallintopalvelujen tiiminsä, jolla on oma tiiminvetäjänsä. Tiimin tehtävät ovat:

  1. Henkilöstö- ja hallintopalvelut osastolle
  2. Taloushallintopalvelut osastolle
  3. Johdon assistenttipalvelut
  4. Osastotason tapahtumajärjestelyt
Minna Vartiainen
Administrative Officer
  • +358 295 351 069
Isa Jay
Administrative Officer
  • +358 295 350 800
Mari Pikkarainen
  • +358 295 350 416

E-mail addresses are in the form: Scandinavian characters are replaced by: ä=a, ö=o, å=a.