Finland prepares to participate in a peacekeeping operation in Afghanistan
Government Information Unit Press release 303/2001 21 December, 2001
Finland is ready to participate in the first phase of a peacekeeping operation in Afghanistan with a maximum of 50 peacekeepers. The meeting of the President of the Republic and the Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy discussed, on Friday, 21 December, Finland's participation in the first phase of the International Security Assistance Force, ISAF, in Afghanistan.
Finland has been requested by the United Kingdom, the country in charge of the ISAF operation, to provide the force with a detachment specialised in Civil and Military Cooperation, CIMIC. Finland is ready to participate in ISAF with a CIMIC detachment consisting of some 40 persons and with a group of 5 to 10 liaison officers. The parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee was informed of the matter on Friday afternoon.
The final decisions on the peacekeeping troops are to be made at the beginning of next year after hearing Parliament. A report on Finland's participation will be submitted to Parliament in January.
Finland is ready to provide the preparatory phase of the ISAF operation with individual officers.
At UN's request, Finland will put forward a candidate for the position of a military adviser for the special operation in Afghanistan and contribute to the UN Assistance Mission in
Afghanistan, UNAMA.
Three separate operations are to take place in Afghanistan: two military peacekeeping operations (transitional phase and further phase) and a civilian operation. The transitional phase is to end by spring 2002 and Finland's possible participation in the latter phase will be considered at a later stage.
Further information: Elina Kalkku, Head of Unit, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 9 1341 5480 and Juha Harjula, Director General, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 9 1608 8146.