Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Ministerial Meeting
Statement by H.E. Mr. Timo Soini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
UN General Assembly 71, New York, 21 September 2016.
Check against delivery
Non-proliferation and disarmament are essential objectives of international community’s efforts. They are also vital for building international security and mutual trust. One cannot undermine the importance of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty as a core element of the international non-proliferation and disarmament regime. One of the most important developments in this regard is the moratorium on nuclear weapon tests that is nearly universal. I think it is safe to say that this has happened because the Treaty has existed.
It is a fact; however, that moratorium does not and cannot substitute a legally binding nuclear test ban treaty. The entry into force and the universalization of the Treaty is and remains our ultimate goal. Twenty years have passed; it’s time to speed things up.
Regarding the universalization of the CTBT, every ratifications matter. We congratulate each country that has ratified the Treaty since last year’s CTBT Ministerial Meeting. The latest is on Myanmar. We thank all States taking this important step to strengthen global peace and security. We urge all those States that have not yet ratified the Treaty, to do so as soon as possible. I address my words in particular to the eight remaining Annex 2 States, whose signatures and ratifications are necessary for the Treaty's entry into force.
Finland, also as one of the “Friends of the CTBT" countries, is fully committed to promoting the universalization of the Treaty. I would like to thank also the provisional technical secretariat’s personnel, whom we know to be dedicated people and who have worked full time to advance the Treaty. You can count on Finland’s full support in your work.