Remarks of Minister Soini at press conference with Minister Wallström
Remarks of Foreign Minister Timo Soini at the press conference with Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström. Helsinki, 16 March 2017.
- Jag är mycket glad över att utrikesminister Wallström (Margot) igen besöker Helsingfors. Jag vill tacka dig för en givande och öppen diskussion idag.
- Finland och Sverige är varandras viktigaste grannar. Vikten av goda grannar stärks i ett läge av osäkerhet och förändring. Jag uppskattar den goda kontakten oss ministrar emellan.
- We have discussed a wide range of issues today, including the future of the EU, UN Security Council agenda, the security situation in the Baltic Sea region and Russia and forging closer foreign and security policy cooperation between our countries.
- As a step in the deepening of our foreign and security policy cooperation, we will organise a high-level seminar on foreign policy issues, the Hanalys Conference. It will be held in Hanaholmen on 5 and 6 September 2017 and is part of Finland's centenary celebrations.
- I am delighted that you, Margot, have volunteered to co-host the Conference with me. I hope that the seminar will serve as a platform for creating deeper and more nuanced debate on foreign policy issues and new potential for cooperation between our countries.
- Since we have also discussed joint travel arrangements, let’s look into finding a suitable location and coordinate timing.
- It was a good piece of news we received today from Minister Wallström who informed us that a Swedish diplomat will be posted to the Finnish Foreign Ministry. This is very valuable form of cooperation for us.
- I am also glad that we are actively seeking new possibilities for bilateral cooperation in the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).
- Mediation, conflict prevention and peacebuilding are important to both Finland and Sweden.
- I would also like to congratulate you, Margot, and Sweden, for having held an excellent UN Security Council Presidency in January. We are impressed by the transparency, dialogue, efficiency and inclusiveness you were able to bring to the Council. We hope your lessons and example will be followed by the other Security Council members.