Ulkoministeri Haaviston puheenvuoro lehdistötilaisuudessa Iranin ulkoministerin kanssa
- We have just finished constructive discussions with Foreign Minister Zarif. We discussed the bilateral relations between Finland and Iran and particularly some acute international issues related to the future JCPOA as well as some of the regional issues including the Syrian conflict. We also discussed human rights and migration.
- We raised our concern related to maritime security in the Strait of Hormuz especially relating to the vessel Stena Impero. Finland has been assisting the Latvian citizen who is part of the crew. We made an appeal for the release of the crew and the vessel.
- We also made an appeal to continue cooperation on JCPOA. We view it as a very important international agreement and we should all do our best to keep the agreement alive. Finland is ready to do its part.
- On human rights we expressed our concerns relating to the use of death penalty and the situation of human rights defenders in Iran and discussed how to support the human rights development in the country.