Statement by Jaakko Laajava, Under Secretary of State, at OSCE ministerial council

Statement by Under Secretary of State of Finland, Mr Jaakko Laajava, at the ministerial meeting of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Maastrict, The Netherlands
2 December, 2003

Mr Chairman,

Finland aligns itself with the Statement made by Minister Frattini on behalf of the European Union.

Global and regional security issues pose considerable challenges to states and international security-related organisations.

The OSCE strategy to address threats to security and stability in the 21st century builds on the strengths of the organisation and provides guidance to all activities of the OSCE. I am pleased that the strategy includes the development of the OSCE's border security management concept.

Mr Chairman,

In this meeting we are taking stock of recent developments in two participating States, Georgia and Moldova.

Finland is satisfied that the transfer of authority in Georgia took place peacefully and in keeping with the constitution. We welcome the presence of the acting President Mrs Nino Burjanadze here in Maastricht.

The international community should act resolutely in supporting the democratic transformation in Georgia. Finland stands ready to assist in preparations for the elections scheduled for early next year.

In Moldova, the efforts to resolve the Transnistrian conflict have been intensified. I hope that genuine efforts will be further pursued within the five-sided negotiating format. Finland appreciates the efforts made by the mediators and attaches particular importance to the continuing role of the OSCE in the resolution of the conflict.

The full and timely implementation of OSCE commitments, including those undertaken at the Istanbul Summit, must remain the basis of our common efforts.

Mr Chairman,

The adoption of an Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings gives a strong political signal. I hope that all participating States – whether they are countries of origin, transit or destination – will follow the recommendations of the Plan.

Finland welcomes the Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti in the OSCE Area. We trust that the OSCE together with other organisations can support participating States to promote measures in favour of this special minority.

Mr Chairman,

The recently adopted document on stockpiles offers an operational tool for the destruction of conventional ammunition. I am pleased that the OSCE has maintained its vanguard role in small arms issues by finalising the best practice handbook.

The implementation of politico-military commitments is crucial. Finland is engaged in providing training on democratic control of armed forces in support of OSCE field activities. A team of Finnish experts has recently conducted practical training sessions in South Caucasus.

A thorough review of the OSCE role in peacekeeping was conducted in 2003. It strengthened the view that the OSCE´s main role is in unarmed activities and in mandating operations by others.

Finally, Mr Chairman,

I wish to congratulate the Dutch Chairmanship on its success in guiding the OSCE through a most eventful year. In addition to skilfully dealing with issues of a political nature, the Chairmanship together with the Secretariat succeeded in considerably improving the management of the organisation.

I wish to welcome Bulgaria as the new Chairman-in-Office and assure Finland’s full cooperation in 2004.