Ecosoc 2006 High-Level Segment, International Migration and Development, EU speaking points, by Mrs. Kirsti Lintonen Permant Representive of Finland to the United Nations, New York, Geneva on 4 July 2006
EU Speaking Points for the Second GA Panel Discussion On International Migration and Development on Tuesday 4 July 2006 in Geneva
· The EU welcomes the UN on International Migration and Development (HLD). The EU believes that the HLD (September 14-15) can make an important contribution to identify the interdependences between international migration and development and to complement ongoing bilateral and regional initiatives in this field.
· The EU is committed to contributing to a successful High Level Dialogue and welcomes the opportunity to discuss this subject in today's panel.
· In preparing for High Level Dialogue we attach great importance to today's discussion on the various inputs, especially the report of Secretary-General on International Migration and Development that was issued 18 May 2006.
· The Report covers a very wide range of issues and discusses the various ways in which international migration can contribute to development and presents a review of multidimensional aspects of migration.
· As is prominently pointed out in the Secretary General’s report, the question of how migration policy can contribute to the overall objective of policy coherence for poverty reduction and development should occupy a large part of our discussions. The EU is convinced that well managed migration has the potential to support the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
· The EU considers migration as an integral part of the development agenda. Migration can have positive impacts for the host country and for the country of origin as well as for migrants themselves. Well-managed migration requires close cooperation between countries of origin, “transit countries” and countries of destination and an acknowledgement of all involved countries of the responsibility to re-admit and assist in facilitating the re-admission of own nationals staying illegally in other countries.
· One of the key issues for High Level Dialogue will be how to achieve greater coherence between migration and development policies. Despite growing awareness of the nexus between international migration and development, strategic development frameworks and government policies do not adequately reflect this link, if at all. More consideration should be given to how migration and development issues can be integrated into the poverty reduction strategies of partner countries, and how donors can support partners' priorities in this respect. Policy coherence is needed to ensure that the development benefits of migration are maximized and its negative impacts are minimized.
· There is also limited experience in policy making addressing issues at the nexus of migration and development, for example remittances. Policy coherence at the nexus of migration and development is needed to ensure that the development benefits of migration and development are maximized and its costs - human, social etc. are minimized.
· Development of sustainable livelihoods in countries of origin should offer young people the opportunity to work there and enable migrants to return to their country. Measures to reduce poverty and strengthen governance would also have a bearing on the root causes of migratory flows. Each developing country has primary responsibility for its own development. Developed countries, on their side, undertake that developing countries which adopt transparent, credible and properly costed development strategies will receive the full support they need.
· The EU recognizes the need to protect human rights of migrants, particular women and children as well as to end any possible discrimination and exploitation against migrants through international and regional human rigths conventions. The fight against traffick and smuggling of human beings is central to protecting the human rights of migrants. While fully respecting the rights of refugee and asylum seekers, we need to combat illegal migration and promote legal migration.
· There is a need to develop the positive potential of migration in the sense of development of skills, broadening experience, and building up financial and human capital.
· The EU reaffirms the importance of safer, easier and cheaper channels for remittances in great variety of situations and of exploring possibilities of enhancing their development impact, including capacity building of national financial institutions. Remittances are, however, private money and they cannot be seen as substitute for ODA.
· The EU acknowledge the importance of the integration of migrants into receiving societies and the effective integration of migrant workers in national labour markets
· Diasporas are an increasingly important potential actor to the development of the country of origin, taking also into consideration the political dimension of their involvement in it. The Diasporas can act as a bridge between countries of origin and destination and are enrichment for receiving societies, when integrated in these societies. The High Level Dialogue should address the issue of Diaspora's participation to development and their role as an agent of development should be reinforced.
· The EU recognizes the importance of South-South migration and cooperation of the EU with third countries (origin and transit). There are various ongoing regional initiatives related to migration.
· The participation of civil society (NGO's, Private Sector, Social Partners etc.) in the discussion on migration policy is of vital importance not in the least because civil society has to play an important role in the implementation of policy on migration and development.
· The EU recognizes that the High Level Dialogue is not an end in itself, but an important step in a process of discussion on the important theme if international migration and development that continues. The EU is considering various possible approaches to the issue of international migration and development and welcomes the positive steps already undertaken. Though migration is a global phenomenon there is a most urgent need for bilateral and regional approaches. The High Level Dialogue should encourage states to strengthen their cooperation in this respect. The improved coordination between the various UN Agencies and other international and regional organizations that deal with migration is an essential element of this process.