Assessment Report: From Reactivity to Resilience

The independent assessment studied the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ (MFA) response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to learn from it and thereby enhance MFA’s ability to respond and adapt development policy and co-operation and humanitarian assistance in crisis situations.

The assessment followed two tracks of inquiry. The first was descriptive (how has the MFA re­sponded?), and the second was evaluative (how relevant, efficient and coherent was the re­sponse?).

The assessment covered both the acute and early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and elements of the longer-term response to build forward. It focused on the period from March 2020 up till the end of 2021.

The MFA’s activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic were analysed along six di­mensions: 1) financial response, 2) policy dialogue response, 3) policies and procedures, 4) risk management, 5) knowledge management, and 6) staff.

The assessment concludes that Finland’s COVID-19 pandemic response was relevant both with respect to – and beyond – Finland’s explicit de­velopment policy priorities and changed partner country needs. While health is not an explic­it development policy priority, Finland nevertheless mo­bilised significant funding for vaccines. Within its parameters, the MFA’s COVID-19 pandemic response was quick and flexible.

Coherence was ensured by building on MFA’s long-term strengths in policy dialogue and influencing, partner­ships with multilateral organisations and coordination with like-minded countries and by adding new elements like Team Europe.

The assessment found that the response owes a large debt to the motivated, de­voted and at times overburdened staff. The result­ing increased workload and the pandemic strained man­agers and staff in embassies and in Helsinki, but the organization could not fully secure the safety and well-being of all staff despite efforts made.

Assessment report

From Reactivity to Resilience – Assessment of the Response of Finnish Development Policy and Cooperation to the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF, 136 pages, 7 MB)


Selected Highlights: From Reactivity to Resilience – Assessment of the Response of Finnish Development Policy and Cooperation to the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF, 4 sivua, 648 KB)

Ministry's response to the evaluation

Management response (PDF, in Finnish, 2 pages, 126 KB)

Webinar recording and presentation of evaluation results

PowerPoint presentation of evaluation results - Webinar 28 April 2022 (PDF, 34 pages, 1.6 MB KB)

Please contact if you would like to have the webinar recording.