Country Strategy for Development Cooperation with Nepal 2013–2016

Country Strategy for Development Cooperation with Nepal 2013-2016 (Opens New Window) (pdf, 1 MB)

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Cooperation with Finland's seven longterm development partner countries is based primarily on individual, goal-oriented country programmes, the starting point for which is the development plan each country has made for itself. In addition, the main operational guidelines of Finland’s development policy apply.

In accordance with EU recommendations, each country programme tries to contain at least three areas of development cooperation. The aim is that the partner country will lead the coordination of development cooperation in the implementation.

The Country Strategy defines indicators to use to monitor the progress of development cooperation in the partner country, and to evaluate the effectiveness of Finland’s activities.

Objectives of Finnish development cooperation with Nepal

  • Equal and universal access to relevant quality education
  • Equal and sustainable access to safe and potable water in rural areas
  • Good governance and rule of law prevailing through reliable state institutions
  • Inclusive management of forest resources and environmental administration
  • Economic empowerment, especially for women and easily marginalised groups