Support for civil society organisations’ communications and global education projects in Finland
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has awarded EUR 2.2 million in government grants for Finnish civil society organisations’ communications and global education projects in 2023–2024. The grants aim to increase awareness and knowledge in Finland of the challenges of global development and of international cooperation as a response to these challenges.
Communications and global education project grants will be used to promote the achievement of the goals set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Finland. In this application round, grants were awarded to projects focusing on education, communications and corporate social responsibility. Grants were awarded to 19 Finnish civil society organisation (CSOs). The grants are awarded from the development cooperation appropriations for Finnish CSOs’ development cooperation.
“CSOs’ communications and global education projects reinforce Finns’ knowledge and skills on many sustainable development themes. Understanding these complex issues helps us all to contribute to solving common problems,” says Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari.
The projects deal with reduction of inequalities and effects of climate change, among other objectives. They focus on promoting gender equality, peaceful and well-functioning societies, and corporate social responsibility in accordance with Finland’s development policy objectives and principles. The projects are carried out in Finland in education institutions and higher education institutions, among other places, and they collaborate with Finnish companies. They provide information through a number of channels, covering different parts of Finland.
Altogether 29 applications were submitted, and the combined amount of the grant applications was about EUR 3.5 million. This is an established call for government grant applications, taking place every two years.
Successful applicants for government grants in 2023–2024 (in Finnish)
- Biologian ja maantieteen opettajien liitto ry, 107 004 €
- Finnish Agri-Agency for Food and Forest Development ry, 97 068 €
- Helinä Rautavaaran museo, 130 173 €
- Interpedia ry, 103 482 €
- Nuorten Akatemia ry, 108 450 €
- Suomen Kansanopistoyhdistys ry, 105 901 €
- Suomen Rauhanliitto, 201 586 €
- Suomen Somalia-verkosto ry, 70 929 €
- Caritas Finlandiae-Suomen Caritas ry, 79 075 €
- Inter-Cultur ry, 51 200 €
-, 120 735 €
- Finnwatch ry, 160 000 €
- Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry, 165 000 €
- Turvapaikanhakijoiden tuki ry, 120 000 €
- Liikunnan kehitysyhteistyö Liike ry, 158 000 €
- SaferGlobe Finland ry, 100 000 €
- Lasten ja nuorten säätiö sr, 90 000 €
- UN Global Compact Network Finland ry, 120 000 €
- Rauhankasvatusinstituutti ry, 120 000 €
- Eevamari Laaksonen, Director, Unit for Civil Society, Department for Development Policy
- tel. +358 295 351 383,