Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy (N5) Presidency

An overarching theme of Finland's Presidency is geoeconomics.

In 2025, Finland will hold the Presidency of the Nordic (N5) cooperation on foreign and security policy. Finland’s Presidency will focus on

  1. Improving the security situation in our neighbouring region and supporting Ukraine.
  2. Engaging in global advocacy – including by strengthening the multilateral system.
  3. Enhancing Nordic cooperation through concrete means.

An overarching theme of the Presidency is geoeconomics, which is closely linked to all of the above-mentioned priorities.

Bilateral relations and N5 and NB8 cooperation


Christina Lehtinen
Team Leader
Deputy Director, Desk Officer for Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland
  • +358 295 351 787
Ville Cantell
Senior Adviser, Nordic and Baltic countries
  • +358 295 351 847
Sirkku Liitiä
Assistant Desk Officer
visit arrangements
  • +358 295 351 440