The Finnpartnership program’s option period introduces a new innovation financing project type
The terms and conditions of the Finnpartnership business partnership program will change at the beginning of 2025. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Finnfund signed an agreement in December 2024 to implement the Finnpartnership program's option period. During the option period covering 2025–2027, proven activities and practices from the previous program period will continue, with the addition of innovation financing.
As part of the Finnpartnership programme, a new project type focusing on innovation funding will be launched at the beginning of the year. Its purpose is to help companies create sustainable innovations in developing markets together with local partners. In addition to new innovations, support can be granted for the development of existing ideas. The financing aims to enable innovative solutions that advance the goals of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development as well as Finland's development policy objectives in emerging markets.
Innovation financing must be linked to an R&D project funded by Business Finland. Additionally, a positive statement from Business Finland confirming the link between innovation financing and the R&D project is required for support to be granted.
Further changes and updates will also be made to the terms of business partnership support. The support percentage for projects in Ukraine will be adjusted to align with the country’s OECD support category. The updated terms and conditions will be published on the Finnpartnership website in January.
For more information, see the Finnpartnership webpage.(Link to another website.)
Finnpartnership supports commercially sustainable and responsible business activities that create positive development outcomes in developing countries
Funded the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and managed by Finnfund, Finnpartnership Business Partnership Programme offers advice on business activities, funding for project preparation and contacts that help launch sustainable business activities in developing countries. Business Partnership Support is seed money for business activities that have a commercial financing base and that have positive development effects in the target country.
Business Partnership Support may be granted for searching for a partner, for planning activities and for training employees, among other uses. Support may also be granted for reinforcing existing business activities, for follow-up projects and for pilot projects.
The services offered by Finnpartnership are free of charge. They are intended for use by companies, non-governmental organisations, educational institutions and other bodies. Applications for Business Partnership Support can be submitted year-round.