Virtual Seminar on Export Control of Dual-use Items

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland invites exporters of dual-use items residing or established in Finland to join a Skype seminar on export control. The program of the seminar is partly in Finnish and partly in English.

Register for the event by emailing your name and title and your exporting company’s name to the Export Control Unit of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at, please register before Tue 10 Nov 2020.

After received your registration, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will send you Skype invitation to both testings and the Event, on 20 November at 09.30- 15.15 Finnish Time

Test your connection as early as possible, to allow for time to fix possible problems, using one of the following test events:

  • TEST your connection on 4 November between 09.00-11.00 
  • TEST your connection on 4 November between 14.00-16.00 
  • TEST your connection on 11 November between 09.00-11.00 
  • TEST your connection on 11 November between 14.00-16.00 

You will receive invitations all testing times. Just do it once, pick the most convenient time for you. It should not take more than 10 minutes.

Current draft of the Agenda

Note: Changes are possible and all indicated times are only estimates. The program is partly in Finnish and partly in English.


Recast of the EU Regulation on Export Control of Dual-Use Items (EU Regulation 428/2009)


Presentations, including Teemu Sepponen, Export Control Unit, Ministry for Foreign Affairs


Comments by Stéphane Chardon, DG Trade, European Commission


Open Discussion


Break 10 minutes


End of the Brexit Transition Period at the End of the Year 2020


Presentation by Stéphane Chardon, DG Trade, European Commission


Presentation/Comments and Open Discussion


Break 40 minutes


Business Perspective to Some Recent Export Control Developments in Third Countries


Presentation by Aleksi Pursiainen, Solid Plan Consulting


Open Discussion


Conclusion of the part in English, to be followed by a short break and a discussion in Finnish 

13.55 – 14.30

Keskustelu ajankohtaisista aiheista


Mahdollisuus suomenkieliseen keskusteluun EU-asetuksesta ja Suomen kansallisesta laista  


Mahdollisuus kommentoida suunnitelmaa järjestää tilaisuus akatemialle kohdistetusta EU-ohjeistuksesta


Mahdollisuus keskustella joulunajan käsittelyajoista sekä ensi vuoden vientivalvontaklinikan järjestämisestä


Sähköisen asiointipalvelun ja sähköisten lomakkeiden kehittäminen


Vientivalvontayksikön alustus


Mahdollisuus viejille antaa palautetta ja kehittämisehdotuksia        

Practical instructions

Join the event before the event starts. The virtual space will be open for joining from 09.00. Mute your microphone and block your camera unless and until you speak or present. Submit requests for floor in the discussion column.

If you already know your question before the event, email it to