Trade between Finland and Montenegro in 2022
Trade figures between Finland and Montenegro remain at very low level. Export of Finnish products remains stronger compared to the value of imports from Montenegro. Numerous opportunities exist for Finnish companies to improve current trade figures in Montenegrin market.
Trade figures between Finland and Montenegro (January - December 2022)
Trade exchange in 2022 amounted to EUR 0.793 million, which is 63.5% decrease compared to 2021. Exports from Finland amounted to EUR 0.645 million, which is 68.8% decrease compared to 2021. Imports to Finland amounted to only EUR 0.147 million, which is 47.1% increase compared to 2021. Trade balance is positive and it amounts to EUR 0.498 million.
Main export commodities from Finland are: Medical instruments and apparatus (EUR 0.236 million); Cosmetics (EUR 0.08 million); Machinery and mechanical parts (EUR 0.064 million); Not knitted apparel and clothing (EUR 0.062 million); Electric machinery and parts (EUR 0.054 million); Vehicles (EUR 0.051 million).
Main import commodities to Finland are: Medical instruments and apparatus (EUR 0.088 million); Vegetables (EUR 0.029 million); Electric machinery and parts (EUR 0.016 million).
Montenegrin market is unexplored for Finnish companies, and overall trade figures are still very low between these two countries. Medical instruments and apparatus contribute with 36.6% of overall exports from Finland to Montenegro and at the same time with 59.5% of overall imports of Finland from Montenegro.
Source: Finnish Customs, International Trade Statistics toiselle web-sivustolle.)