Final Evaluation of the Water and Sanitation Programme for Small Towns in Vietnam in 2004-2017
Ministry for Foreign Affairs commissioned an independent Final Evaluation on the achieved results of the Water and Sanitation Programme for Small Towns in Vietnam (WSPST I-III, 2004-2017), with a focus on the second and third phases, and the sustainability of the results. The evaluation was expected to provide lessons learned and best practices related to the planning and implementation of water sector programmes that might include similar construction intensive elements in other countries and/or the establishment of a similar funding mechanism.
The evaluation assessed and scored each of the three main programme elements (Water Supply, Drainage and Sewerage and the Finnish Revolving Water Fund) against the DAC criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
In addition, it described and assessed other elements of the programme (support to institutional strengthening and to sector capacity development and the sanitation revolving fund as well as the programme design, steering and monitoring), but did not score them. The WSPST as a whole was scored against two groups of other evaluation criteria: cross-cutting themes and aid effectiveness.
Overall, the WSPST programme was scored 2.5 in a scale from 1 (very weak) to 4 (very good). The water supply elements and complementary of the programme were found to be the strengths of WSPST. The drainage and sewerage elements were found to have several limitations in terms of both their design and relevance as well as their sustainability.
Evaluation report
Final Evaluation of the Water and Sanitation Programme for Small Towns in Vietnam in 2004-201 (Opens New Window)7 (pdf, English, 3 MB, 161 pages)