Mid-term Review of AgroBig II (Agro-Business Induced Growth in the Amhara National regional State, Phase II)
The expected outcome of Agro-Business Induced Growth in the Amhara National regional State, Phase II (AgroBig II) is that value is added at various levels of selected agricultural value chains to increase incomes and create jobs for farming households and other value chain actors, with a particular emphasis on women and youth. Agriculture employs still around 80 % of work force and is thus highly important for food security as well as for borrowing and investments. The AgroBig II is implemented in eight woredas (i.e. districts) in Amhara region. The purpose of the mid-term review of AgroBig II was to provide an independent view of the implementation of AgroBig II and to analyse needs for revision. In addition, the MTR was expected to provide recommendations to improve the program implementation.
Mid-term Review Report
Mid-term Review of AgroBig II (pdf, English, 1 MB, 65 sivua) (Opens New Window)