Joint Final Evaluation of Two Forestry Projects in Vietnam
Evaluation report presents the results of a final joint evaluation of two forestry projects in Vietnam that have been supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: “Development of Management Information System for the Forestry Sector (FORMIS – Phase II)” and “People Participation in Improvement of Forest Governance and Poverty Alleviation in Vietnam (PFG)”. The evaluation was conducted from October 2018 through December 2018. Evaluation reports are available both in English and in Vietnamese.
Evaluation reports
Joint Final Evaluation of Two Forestry Projects in Vietnam (in English, PDF, 155 pages, 4 Mb)
Đánh giá cuối kỳ chung cho hai dự án lâm nghiệp tại Việt Nam (in Vietnamese, PDF, 155 pages, 4 Mb)