Project and programme evaluations in 2015
In 2015, more than 20 project evaluations were carried out in different departments of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland on development cooperation. Evaluations were made on all continents. Below evaluations are listed by country, region or organization.
Afganistan: Program Evaluation Marie Stopes International Afghanistan (MSIA)
Andean countries: Final evaluation of Regional Biodiversity Programme for the Amazon Region of the Andean Countries (BIOCAN)
Ethiopia: Mid-Term Evaluation of Responsible and Innovative Land Administration in Ethiopia (REILA)
Laos: Final evaluation of Environmental Management Support Programme in Lao PDR, Phase I
Nepal: Mid-Term Review of Nepal Multi-Stakeholder Forestry Programme
Zambia: Evaluation of the Small-scale irrigation project (SIP) in Zambia
African Union: Evaluation of Phase II of the African Union Mediation Support Capacity Project
World Bank: Evaluation of The Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR)