Evaluation of Agriculture, Rural Development and Forest Sector Programmes in Africa
This strategic ‘Evaluation of Agriculture, Rural Development and Forest Sector Programmes in Africa’ supports the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland in identifying relevant and effective approaches and instruments to support implementation of current programmes and planning of future cooperation in these sectors.
Evaluation recommends to (1) strengthen development cooperation in land-based activities in line with the SDGs; (2) further develop the value chain approach in conducive settings; (3) combine institutional capacity development with grass-roots interventions to effectively reduce poverty; (4) systematically apply HRBA principles to support integration of cross-cutting issues; (5) strengthen synergies between bilateral projects and private sector investments; (6) strengthen the complementarity of modalities and use innovative and flexible institutional set ups; (7) strengthen results-orientation and steering at all levels; (8) ensure systematic lesson learning and contribute to development of nexus thinking; and (9) capitalise on Finnish comparative advantage.
Main report
Evaluation of Agriculture, Rural Development and Forest Sector Programmes in Africa (Opens New Window) (in English, PDF, 286 pages)
Country reports
Country report Ethiopia (Opens New Window) (PDF, 67 pages)
Country report Kenya (Opens New Window) (PDF, 68 pages)
Country report Mozambique (Opens New Window)(PDF, 57 pages)
Country report Tanzania (Opens New Window) (PDF, 82 pages)
Country report Zambia (Opens New Window)(PDF, 51 pages)
Ministry's response to the evaluation
Management response (Opens New Window) (in Finnish, 3 pages, 284 KB)