Evaluation: Regional Forest Projects
Final evaluation of three regional forest projects in the Mekong area, the Andes and Central America was implemented in 2017. The projects covered were (1): The Integrated Environmental and Forest Management Co-operation Project in Central America, Finnfor-II (Central America, 2012–2016); (2) Livelihood Improvement through Generation and Ownership of Forest Information by Local People in Products and Services Markets, ForInfo (Mekong, 2011–2015); and (3) The Sustainable Forest Management Programme in the Andean region (MFS) (South America, 2011–2016). Finland’s development co-operation (grant aid) has been phased out in Latin America and significantly reduced in the Mekong area. The focus of the evaluation was on the experience that can be of use for similar forest sector co-operation in Myanmar, Africa or elsewhere, and for future planning of other regional programmes.
Final evaluation report of regional forest projects (in English, PDF, 6 MB, 173 pages)