Communication and global education projects to be two-years long

The application period for communication and global education support will begin on 12 November. This support is granted for two-year projects by civil society organisations that support development communication and global education.

The application period for support for communication and global education by non-profits in 2019-2020  will begin on 12 November 2018 and end on 10 December 2018. This form of support, which is known by the abbreviation VGK, is part of Finland’s overall development assistance policy. The objective of this support is to provide support for the implementation of the UN’s sustainable development targets and have a positive impact on promoting global partnerships in Finland.


According to our initial plan, a total of MEUR 1.4 will be granted to VGK projects for a period of two years. Projects can apply for VGK support in three different categories: communication projects, education projects and communication projects that promote corporate and social responsibility. During this round of discretionary government transfers, at most 15 projects will be granted financial assistance:

Support will be granted to at most six projects in the communication projects category. Eligible projects will be national or regional communication projects that increase awareness on Agenda 2030, Finland’s development policy and global development issues.
Similarly, support will be granted to at most six projects in the education projects category. Eligible projects will be projects that support global education and sustainable development and target the school world and liberal adult education.
Support will be granted to at most three projects in the corporate responsibility and social responsibility projects category. Projects that will be considered include communication projects that increase general awareness and the awareness of key stakeholders on the importance of corporate responsibility and social responsibility as part of global sustainable development.

Application notification, application criteria and instructions for application will be published on 12 November when the discretionary government transfers round opens. Information on application will be published in Finnish and Swedish.