Invitation to public consultation event: Amendment to the Act on Concessional Credits Granted to Developing Countries
On Wednesday 8 May 2024, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will hold a public consultation event on the draft government proposal for amending the Finnish Act on Concessional Credits Granted to Developing Countries.

The Government proposes that the Act be amended so that the criteria for granting aid to the government of a developing country would be specified in more detail. Furthermore, the Government proposes to amend the provision on entities which may grant the credit. Some other amendments are also proposed to the Act.
The public consultation event will be organised on 8 May at 13.30 at Eteläesplanadi 4, and remotely on Microsoft Teams. A more detailed invitation, instructions for registration and the draft government proposal are available on the project page on the Government website(Link to another website.) (in Finnish).
It is also possible to submit written comments on the proposal by 10 May 2024. Please email your comments as a PDF file to the Registry of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at Write “Statement on VN/177/2024 – [name of organisation]” in the subject field.
The reform aims to update the Act on Concessional Credits Granted to Developing Countries to better respond to the current operating environment and needs and to meet the objective of the Programme of Prime Minister Orpo’s Government to promote the conditions for Finnish companies to operate in developing countries.
Welcome to hear more about the reform and have your say!
Additional information
Sara Piirainen, Legal Officer, +358 295 350 931
Oskar Kass, Senior Officer, +358 50 471 2099
The email addresses of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are in the format